Tomorrow we will embark on a great adventure. We are flying to Paris, then Lisbon. We will spend a couple days exploring Lisbon. Then the real adventure will start.
We will spend the next 30 days walking the Camino Portugues from Lisbon to Santiago de Compostela, and add 4 more days for the Camino Finisterre, for a total of 710 km.
It won't be easy but we are experienced walkers and travelers. Last winter, we walked Jeju Island's Olle Trail (400 km) in some of the worst weather I've experienced in South Korea.
I've done some research on the route but there are still many questions. Where are we going to eat and sleep? We've made arrangements for the first few nights but after that we will rely on albergues or other services offered to pilgrims.
Bom Caminho!