Friday, February 8, 2013

Day 23, Redondola, part 1

I'm convinced we will never have an easy day. The walk was a bit dull and, by the way, it rained most of the day, very heavily for an hour. We didn't see many people out today, just three mountain bikers, their colorful kits decorated with earth tone mud spatters.

We arrived at the albergue Redondola at 12:43 and seeing that it opens at one, went into a nearby cafe for lunch. The only open table was in the back so, despite our best efforts, managed to get rain on everyone.

We ate lunch shivering, watching Real Madrid score three quick goals against Getafe. First goal was a handball but the next two were beauties by Ronaldo.

Since Lisbon, there had been futebol on in almost every restaurant but we've never known who to cheer for. Today, neither team is a local one so nobody was cheering, even for Ronaldo's nice scores.

The albergue is nice-- big, warm, and clean. We draped wet things over every heater and, kind of hoping nobody else would show up, went out to explore the city.

It's a small town, most of it is based around two squares. Really though, the most interesting thing about it are the two railroad viaducts that cross high overhead.

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